Friday, August 10, 2007

Fireflys, Lightning Bugs, and FROGS!!!

We here, at Whimsey Hill, are having a great summer. Yesterday was the last day of kindergarten and tomorrow we start 1st grade. Well, not really, but it does seem like it. We acutally have two weeks of summer vacation left, but it feels like we have only been out for a week or two. Tonight we are having Landry's friend, Kyle, spend the night. Kyle and Lands are good buds from school. This is the first time we have seen him since the end of school. I really thought we would have him over at least twice a week, but it has not been so. Time either creeps by slowly or shoots by like a comet. In this case it has left me with stars in my eyes. Right now they are trying to sneak up the stairs without me knowing. They are whispering loudly and sound like a herd of cattle going up the stairs, but oooohhh, they are being sooooo sneaky!!!!

They have had a great time tonight. They made forts out of pillows, rode scooters to the park, caught fireflys and frogs, had homemade cookies, and played video games. What more could you ask for! We love summertime!

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