Friday, October 19, 2007

I give

Have you ever "volunteered" yourself out. Do you know what I mean? When you have said yes to several volunteer tasks that people have asked of you as well as some that you really want to do. Then all of the sudden there comes a time when every one of them seem to converge at the very same time and you are doing everything you possibly can to do the best job and not let anyone down. I am a little volunteered out. I have had to ask God what he expects of me right now and you know what he keeps telling me? His old stand by...BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. Which right now means for me to quit trying to control everything and roll with the punches. I did this today and he told me to resign from a volunteer postition that I was just asked to do and reluctantly agreed to yesterday. I did it and I feel a huge, HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders. Also, today was relatively smooth. Except for my run in with the crossing guard at school. I just have to say that she is so very lucky that I am not PMSing today and that she was standing beside my car and not in front of it. I may have been blogging from my jail cell this evening.

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