Faithful few...thank you for sticking with me and thank you for all of your heartfelt requests for a new post from me. As some of you know I have been detoxing. For REAL! 14 months ago, I went through an inexplicable depression I couldn't get myself out of. I prayed fervently and God told me to go see my doctor who prescribed Effexor.
Now, before you go and judge me for being a drug hound you should know a few things. First, yes, I am all for drugs. Mood altering, snot removing, pain deterring, natural, chemical, natural chemical...whatever works I believe in drugs. I also believe that God put people on this planet with medical knowledge to help us get rid of disease, sickness, chemical imbalances, mental issues, erectile dysfunction and various other problems. God made it very clear to me that I was to follow the advice of my physician because he has endowed her with knowledge and skills to help me. Just like he endowed me with the ability to create, decorate and beautificate.
So, I leaned not unto my own understanding and followed His lead. Now, I am coming off of the Effexor and trying to have a go at life without this enhancer and it is not pretty! Honestly, someone should have let me go to rehab. Preferably, the one in Utah that LiLo went to. I have been a miserable turd for about three weeks but mainly the last 6 days. This is when I stopped the taper down and went cold turkey. I have been shaky, dizzy, sleepy, not sleepy, hot, cold, shivering, sweating, starving, nauseous, weak, mean, weepy and irritable and my head hurts!!!!. It is rotten. I have improved in the last two days, but it is still a far cry from "normal". Whatever that is!?!
I have been fortunate to have some awesome friends who have supported me and have been praying for me. My wonderful husband helps me pick up the pieces and only makes fun of me every now and then and my kids, well, there will be counseling set up for them in the future.
All this to say, this is why I haven't posted in a while. So, now that you have been updated on me you should know that Landry's first week of second grade has gone so very well! He has a lovely teacher, Mrs. Ann Jebsen. Those who have had her in the past sing her praises to us. So far he has been very happy and such a sweet kid. He sets his alarm each morning and is up and at em right away. When he started Kindergarten we had a picture chart of things he did before he watched cartoons on school mornings. He would take each picture down as he completed the task. This was fun and helped get my kids mindset to a routine each morning. Three years later it is like clockwork.
Sophie starts preschool at Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool next Tuesday and she gets to go to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History's school. How fun!! I am a little envious.

I have been praying for you this week during your detox and I know it will get better soon!
I love the new pictures...they turned out great!
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