Sunday, May 11, 2008

Early Childhood Education

Remember, when I told you about the prank calling incident? Well, here is another one for the books. Last Wednesday was field day for the 1st graders at Wood Elementary. Do you remember field day? Sack races, three legged races, 50 yard dash, hula hoop, giant pickles and snow cones!!! Fun, serious fun! This was Landry's 1st field day and I was as excited as he was. I even volunteered to help with the concession stand for the last half of the day. So, I was there all day. So long, in fact that I forgot to pick up Sophie from school and had to pay the late fee. I would love to have seen me running through the halls of Wood rounding up my people and saying, "hurry, we are late to pick up Sophie and she is going to be so mad." Luckily, I had prudently purchased her a ring pop at the concession stand and brought it in with me as a peace treaty. I am glad to say it worked and she was happy as a lark.
Anyway, back to field day. Landry competed in the 75 yard dash and won a 3rd place ribbon, the basketball toss with a first place ribbon, something else with a fourth place ribbon, hula hoop with a thanks for trying smile and he also brought home the coveted PINK participation ribbon. We used to get green participation ribbons. What is wrong with green? If it ain't broke....

Anyway,I found myself during the sack race screaming and yelling and really wanting our kids to win. At one point I glanced behind me and noticed that I was the only one from our class who was, shall we say, thoroughly involved. I began to feel a little stupid until I noticed my friend, we will call her Tammy Taylor, nearly foaming at the mouth as she cheered her team on. I then realized that there is really something wrong with the other parents. IT'S A COMPETITION BABY!!!! We got second place and that is okay because we smoked everybody in the running events and I think we will win the tug of war that will be held next week sometime. I have been letting Landry pull the car up the driveway to build up his strength. :)

Okay, so after field day the kiddos get to come to the concession stand and spend their parents money on health food like nachos, hot dogs, pickles, and candy, candy and more candy. Then the teachers let them sit on the basketball courts and sugar themselves up just before they send them home. During the sugar fest, I was talking with Landry's teacher, the fabulous Mrs. Ware, when another teacher came up and put her arms around us and said, "Your class is playing spin the bottle," then she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, "and it was your son who started it." She giggled while Mrs. Ware and I simultaneously said, "WHAT????"

Needless to say, we casually walked over to see what was going on and Mr. McCook stopped spinning the bottle and looked away. We asked what was going on and were met with a cacophony of answers all pointing to the culprit....duh duh duh.....Landry H. McCook. We were told that they were playing "kiss the bottle" and that when the bottle pointed to a particular person that person had to kiss the bottle. They were told to put the bottle in the trash and not play the game anymore.
Later, I asked Landry where he got the game. 1st he said his friend Alex. I could tell he wasn't telling the truth and I gave him the look. Then he told me that he just made it up. Seriously, what is next? I don't even want to know! That's my boy!


Kristy said...

That seriously cracks me up! Spin the bottle in first grade?! Wow - I can't wait to see what happens in high school! ;)

BTW - your Mrs. Ware is my cousins wife and I am sure that she got a kick out of it! :)

Kevin Sturm said...

When were in TX I'm secretly going to tell Landry about Truth or Dare. But when he plays it it wasn't me that taught him...because I'm "secretly going to tell him".